15 Minutes - We will go through your entire financial situation, step-by-step and see what programs you qualify for, determine how we can help, and answer any questions that you may have.
4-7 Days - Using the Power of Attorney, we will work with the IRS to determine what evidence they have against you (without disclosing anything), so we can create a plan of attack.
1-3 Months - After learning exactly what they have against you, we will negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, removing all the penalties we can, and fighting for a great settlement for you.
Forever - Once your tax burdens have been lifted, you can go on living your life again! You will finally be free of the burdens chasing you, and can start fresh with no tax debt!
Among the worst things you can do with IRS back tax debt is continue to neglect it for many years at a time. The Internal Revenue Service loves to add on additional fees and interest costs to the quantity you owe, and certainly will stop at nothing to collect that money.
They are the greatest collection agency on earth, and we firmly believe that no one should have to face them by themselves again.
For many people, having a government agency that is massive always harassing them with revenue officers and letters, notices is a horrifying thought.
That’s why our Lexington team is here to help you. You no longer need to face the IRS on your own, and certainly will have someone in your corner to help negotiate for you.
With only 15 minutes on the phone with our specialists, you will understand what to do next, and precisely what you’ll qualify for.
Give our Kentucky team a call now!
Most people are law abiding Lexington citizens and they fear the risks of IRS action. These companies tempt innocent people into their scams and commit consumer fraud and even theft! Therefore, you should exercise caution when you’re trying to find a tax resolution business for yourself.
Not all Kentucky tax relief businesses who guarantee to negotiate together with the IRS for you are trustworthy. Therefore, averting IRS tax relief scams is vitally important since there are all those fraudulent companies out there. It’s possible to prevent being taken advantage of, all you have to do to follow a few suggestions that are useful and is to prepare yourself in this aspect! First things first, never pay in full upfront, irrespective of whether the tax resolution company asks for it in the beginning or in an obscure manner at some point of time. A tax resolution company that is genuine will constantly folow a mutually satisfactory financial arrangement wherein the payments could be made on a weekly, bi-weekly monthly or basis.
Second, it is advisable to be quite careful when you are selecting a particular tax resolution firm to work with. Chances are the business is deceitful if they assure you the desired outcomes or state that you qualify for any IRS program without going through a complete fiscal analysis of your current scenario then. Hence, don’t fall for their sugar coated promises and search for other businesses that are authentic instead.
The web is a storehouse of information, but you have to be careful about using such advice. Do not just hire any haphazard firm with promotional campaigns or good ads for handling your tax related difficulties. To be able to pick the right firm, it is advisable to research about the same in the Better Business Bureau web site and see their ratings or reviews. Therefore, doing your homework and investing time in research is certainly a wise move here.
A site with a great rating on BBB is unquestionably one that you can put your trust in. We’re a BBB A+ rated Lexington business, we help individuals by alleviating their IRS back tax debts. Our tax options are sensible, to be able to make sure that all your tax debts are eliminated, we do not merely negotiate on your behalf with the Internal Revenue Service, but rather create a practical strategy first. We do all the hard work for you while you concentrate on other significant aspects of your own life. Because of our vast experience and expertise in the area, you can rest assured that your tax problems would be resolved efficiently and quickly when you turn for help to us.
Once the IRS hit you or your firm using a tax bill, it generally appends interest costs and fees. These additional costs can be dreadful such that an old tax bill could have double in interest and fees pinned onto it. Some fees, like late payments, they are included automatically by IRS computers. If you dishonored a tax code provision, like filing a late return, otherwise, penalties may be inflicted by IRS staff.
Should you not complain once penalties are inflicted, the IRS assumes you admit them. Luckily, a fee can be confiscated by the IRS just as simple as it comprised one. The key to the domain of the tax fee relief is demonstrating a reasonable reason behind your letdown to obey with tax law.
The quantity of different tax code fines is staggering. Here are some of the fees that IRS will tack on to the debts of individuals who have not filed their tax debts that are overdue.
The IRS will impose a 20 % fee on you if you were negligent or greatly minimized your taxes. This precision-connected fine is used the IRS learns it along with when you CAn’t establish a deduction in a review, or you didn’t submit all of your income.
A fee 75% can be attached, in the event the IRS discovers that you were not reported your income with a deceptive intention.
Normally, the Internal Revenue Service will add a penalty from 0.25 % to 1% for each month to an income tax statement, which isn’t paid punctually. This late payment fine is when you make a delayed payment, or tacked on by the Internal Revenue Service computer automatically whenever you file a tax return devoid of paying the outstanding balance.
The IRS can fine you an additional 5% per month on any outstanding balance, if you did not file your return punctually. But this punishment might be applied only for the initial five months following the due date of the return, equivalent to a 25% higher charge. The IRS can nevertheless visit lesser punishments if there is no outstanding balance.
Once you know the way and also the motive you were strike by the IRS with fines, you can demand that they be abridged or eliminated. The IRS name for this process is known as an abatement. Approximately one third of all tax fees are finally abated, and even it’s going to be more if you understand the ways to fight them.
Simply advising the IRS that you cannot afford to compensate it, or do not enjoy a penalty, WOn’t work. You must demonstrate sensible cause, which means an excellent plea. As stated by the IRS, any sound cause advanced as the reason for postponement by a taxpayer in paying tax when owed will be carefully analyzed, filing a return, or making deposits.
Submit your request for abatement in writing, following a filled up form, when you get a tax notice with tax fees, but be short and clear-cut.
Enclose these documents with your written request.
If you have been levied penalties by the Internal Revenue Service, there are several simple and effective methods to get your tax fines or interest condensed or eliminated entirely. We have really been for a long time in the business and we are devoted to offer our customers a professional IRS fee and interest abatement service lawfully. Contact us today to resolve your tax problems all and the associated fees imposed on you or on your Lexingtoncompany by the IRS.
IRS Letters and Notices are sent to individuals in Lexington who have not filed their tax returns or have not paid all of their tax obligation. The Internal Revenue Service accounts for collecting taxes due from citizens to ensure the Federal Government has the money to conduct its business. The Internal Revenue Service assumes that taxpayers who are delinquent in filing their tax returns and who fail to pay their taxes are discounting the reason taxes are significant. The IRS also assumes that citizens would not have an excellent rationale for not meeting their tax obligations. Competitive pursuit of these taxpayers is the reason IRS letters and notices are sent. Those who have filed their tax returns but never have paid all of the taxes that are due, may also get IRS letters and notices. For performing fleet group action, delinquent taxpayers are on the IRS radar. Citizens should recall the IRS will not have to begin any court actions to impose wages, bank accounts and property. Pension income may be attached.
Many IRS letters and notices are sent to inflict a punishment on the taxpayer. Fees are prolific. In 1988, there were just 17 penalties that the IRS could impose, but the different of penalties is 10 times that amount. The IRS also has over 75 distinct letters and notices it can send to individual taxpayers. Some of these can definitely become serious difficulties for the citizen.
A notice that asserts a taxpayer has under reported their income is a serious matter. Frequently, this may be accommodated readily, if the IRS claim is valid, but the citizen will be evaluated a penalty plus interest. Then the taxpayer could be accused of filing a fraudulent return, if this notice crosses more than one year of tax filings. The interest and the penalties will amount to an impossible sum of money regardless of the perceived intent.
A notice that threatens to attach property, bank account or a citizen’s wages is serious. This notice follows letters that have been sent to the taxpayer in an effort to solve the delinquency before it attains the collection actions.
A notice stating that the IRS has filed a lien on the taxpayer’s property also follows this actions to be taken by letters of intent. The notice will include the amount of the lien along with the governmental agency where it was recorded. This lien will avoid the taxpayer from selling the property until the lien is filled, or the lien amount will be deducted from the profits of a sale. The Internal Revenue Service may also compel the selling of the property to acquire satisfaction of the lien. If a deal is planned, a notice will be issued.
The taxpayer should never dismiss IRS letters and notices. Rather, they ought to immediately seek help with these potential risks to their financial security. The truth is, if a citizen who considers they may receive letters and notices from the IRS can contact us so we can stop these from being sent. Contacting our BBB A+ Lexington law firm is even more significant if notice or a letter has been received. We have many years of successful experience in working with the IRS and state of Kentucky to resolve taxpayer problems.
The IRS is a formidable money making machine for the Federal Government, and they’re going to accumulate, when your company has fallen into IRS or Kentucky business tax debt. Thus, if your business has delinquent taxes like payroll tax debts there’s no need to scurry for cover (and remember – never hide) even in case you know little or nothing about dealing with IRS company tax debts. There are experienced professionals ready to help.
The Internal Revenue Service looks at payroll tax – taxes levied on employees and employers – from two views:
This payment schedule can be monthly or semi-weekly.
If you’re a business that is new and didn’t have any employees during your look back span’ or if your overall tax liability is up to USD 50,000 for your appearance back interval’, you must follow a monthly schedule. Your payroll taxes should be deposited by the 15th of the month following the last payday.
If your payroll tax liability is less than USD 50,000 you will have to follow a semi-weekly deposit program. These taxes must be deposited by Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday following the Friday payday. You’ll fall into a payroll tax debt should you fail to pay your taxes on these days. You ought to seek the professional services of tax professionals to guide you through this maze of procedures and keep from falling into payroll tax debt and steer clear of substantial penalties.
Revenue collected through taxes for example payroll tax are spent on funding plans such as; health care, social security, unemployment compensation, worker’s compensation and at times to boost local transportation that carries many workers to and from work.
When you have to take care of IRS tax debts, it’s extreme important to stay in contact with your IRS officials – never avert or hide from them. Most IRS fees contain a compounded rate of interest of 14% this can turn a business turtle in an exceedingly short time dealing with IRS business tax debt it paramount.
Being in an IRS company debt situation is serious. You may have time on your own side when they gain impetus things get worse for you, although because the IRS is slow to begin processing your account. Yet, you aren’t helpless. There are procedures you may be eligible for that a Kentucky professional can use his good offices with the IRS to help you over come your business debts.
Amongst others, you are in need of a professional’s help, in the event that you never have heard of an Offer in Compromise, Tax Lien Span, Uncollectible Status and Bankruptcy. Waste no more time, get in touch with us today to get out of business tax debt and save your business from closing.
An IRS official or agent is an average visitor to your Kentucky business or daily life. Getting a distinction between the two is very important for you to know the way to deal with each. An IRS representative has the primary function of auditing tax returns. They send notifications regarding at hand audits via e-mail. You can go to local IRS office, when you get an email from IRS representative or an agent comes over to your house or company to audit returns.
An IRS officer on the other hand deals with more complicated tax problems. For instance, if an IRS representative discovers that you have not paid taxes on a specific source of income, your case is known as IRS official. Hence the main job of an IRS officer will be to handle back tax liability or a tax debt.
The IRS assigns you a revenue officer in these conditions:
When the IRS has failed to collect taxes from you using the ordinary channels like levies, telephone calls, notices and emails.
When you’ve got a reputation of not filling taxes.
When you fail to pay certain type of taxes like payroll taxes.<?p>
When your tax liability is considerably large, a typical amount being 25,000 dollars or more.
Recall IRS revenue officers are mandated by law to undertake measures to regain the taxes. These measures may include dilemma levies, seize and repossess property, freeze assets or wage garnishments. Anticipate these policemen to appear at your house or area of companies unexpected or without previous communication. In infrequent cases, the officers might phone you or send you e-mails summoning you to their offices. Try and work with them to avoid further complicating your case and try to pay you over-due taxes to the expand your income can adapt. The tax sum needs you to workout a plan to pay or if your case is more complicated, you’ll need the professional services of an attorney.
When you are not able to pay off your debt immediately, the IRS official might request some documents and financial records. Such information like form 9297 which is send to you personally by the Internal Revenue Service, form 433-A which is used for people or form 433-B which is used for companies are used by the Internal Revenue Service to recognize your income, assets, and give an overview of your liabilities. Filling these forms ought to be done correctly and accurately therefore the services of an attorney are required. Thus, when you get these forms, the very first thing to do is to call legal counsel.
A lawyer is able to quickly negotiate and get you a more adaptable one, in the event you are given tight datelines. Remember, there are several options that can be offered by the policeman. A common one in case associated with payroll late is to evaluate and assign you a recovery penalty trust fund. For this to happen, an interview must be conducted to determine who’s the actual culprit between a business and also an individual and having an attorney in this interview in Kentucky is a matter of necessity.
Address | Lexington Instant Tax Attorney333 W Vine St, Lexington, KY 40507 |
Phone | (502) 991-8688 |
Customer Rating | |
Services / Problems Solved | Removing Wage GarnishmentsGetting Rid of Tax LiensRemoving Bank LeviesFiling Back Tax ReturnsStopping IRS LettersStopping Revenue OfficersSolving IRS Back Tax ProblemsIroning out Payroll Tax IssuesRelief from Past Tax IssuesNegotiating Offer in Compromise AgreementsNegotiating Innocent Spouse Relief ArrangementsPenalty Abatement NegotiationsAssessing Currently Not Collectible ClaimsReal Estate PlanningLegal Advice |
Tax Lawyers on Staff | Steve Sherer, JD Kelly Gibson, JD Joseph Gibson, JD Lance Brown, JD |
Cities Around Lexington We Serve | Bagdad, Berea, Berry, Bethlehem, Bighill, Bloomfield, Brodhead, Brooksville, Bryantsville, Burgin, Carlisle, Chaplin, Clay City, Corinth, Crab Orchard, Cynthiana, Danville, De Mossville, Dry Ridge, Elizaville, Eminence, Ewing, Fairfield, Falmouth, Finchville, Flemingsburg, Ford, Frankfort, Frenchburg, Georgetown, Glencoe, Gravel Switch, Harrodsburg, Hillsboro, Hope, Hustonville, Irvine, Jeffersonville, Jonesville, Junction City, Keene, Kings Mountain, Lancaster, Lawrenceburg, Lexington, Lockport, Mackville, Mason, Mayslick, Mc Kinney, Means, Middleburg, Midway, Migrate, Milford, Millersburg, Mitchellsburg, Moorefield, Mount Eden, Mount Olivet, Mount Sterling, Mount Vernon, New Castle, New Liberty, Nicholasville, North Middletown, Olympia, Orlando, Owenton, Owingsville, Paint Lick, Paris, Parksville, Perry Park, Perryville, Pleasureville, Port Royal, Preston, Ravenna, Renfro Valley, Richmond, Sadieville, Saint Catharine, Salt Lick, Salvisa, Sanders, Sandgap, Sharpsburg, Shelbyville, Simpsonville, Slade, Smithfield, Sparta, Springfield, Stamping Ground, Stanford, Stanton, Taylorsville, Versailles, Waco, Waddy, Waneta, Waynesburg, Wildie, Williamstown, Willisburg, Wilmore, Winchester, Winston, Worthville |
City Website | Lexington Website |
Wikipedia | Lexington Wikipedia Page |