15 Minutes - We will go through your entire financial situation, step-by-step and see what programs you qualify for, determine how we can help, and answer any questions that you may have.
4-7 Days - Using the Power of Attorney, we will work with the IRS to determine what evidence they have against you (without disclosing anything), so we can create a plan of attack.
1-3 Months - After learning exactly what they have against you, we will negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, removing all the penalties we can, and fighting for a great settlement for you.
Forever - Once your tax burdens have been lifted, you can go on living your life again! You will finally be free of the burdens chasing you, and can start fresh with no tax debt!
Among the main issues that Covington citizens run into in terms of IRS back taxes is feeling anxious and overwhelmed concerning the money that they owe. With the IRS sending threatening letters and notices, revenue officers, and even taking away property, cash and assets, it can be an extremely frightening experience.
We believe that no one should have to go up against the IRS alone.
It’s just not fair what they put normal tax payers through, and we believe they shouldn’t get away with it any longer.
That is for a restricted time only, individuals who are having trouble with back tax debt in the state of Kentucky, but more specifically Covington may qualify for a free 7 Day Free Trial of all our tax relief services. That means you don’t pay a penny for the complete use of our seasoned team for a full week.
That’s on top of our no questions asked. In the event you aren’t satisfied for any reason with our service, simply let us know within 30 days, and you will get all of your money back.
So what is it that you’re waiting for? The longer that you wait and put it away, the more fees and interest charges the IRS will tack on to the amount that you owe. Take action and call our Covington team a call today to get started!
Give our Kentucky team a call now!
Once the IRS hit on you or your company with a tax bill, it generally appends penalties and interest fees. These additional charges might be terrible such that an old tax bill could have double in interest and fees immobilized onto it. Some penalties, like late payments, they’re included automatically by IRS computers. Otherwise, penalties may be inflicted by IRS staff like filing a late return, if you dishonored a tax code provision.
The IRS supposes you recognize them, in case you do not complain once fees are imposed. Fortunately, a fee can be confiscated by the IRS just as straightforward as it comprised one. The key to the domain of the tax penalty relief is revealing a practical reason behind your letdown to obey with tax law.
The amount of different tax code fines is staggering. Here are some of the fees that IRS will tack on to the debts of individuals who’ve not filed their tax debts that are overdue.
The IRS will impose a 20 % fee on you if you were unreasonably negligent or drastically minimized your taxes. This precision-associated fine is applied when you CAn’t set a tax write-off in a review, or you did not submit all of your income and the IRS learns it.
A penalty 75% can be attached, in case the Internal Revenue Service discovers that you were not reported your income with a deceitful aim.
Usually, the Internal Revenue Service will add a fee from 0.25 % to 1% for each month to an income tax bill, which isn’t paid punctually. This late payment fine is tacked on by the Internal Revenue Service computer automatically whenever you file a tax return devoid of paying the outstanding balance, or when you make a delayed payment.
If you didn’t file your return on time, the IRS can fine you an additional 5% per month on any outstanding balance. However, this punishment could be employed just for the first five months after the due date of the return, equivalent to a 25% higher cost. If there’s no outstanding balance, the IRS can nevertheless visit lesser penalties.
When you know the reason and also the way the IRS strike you with fines, you may need that they be abridged or eliminated. The IRS name for this particular procedure is known as an abatement. Approximately one third of all tax fees are finally abated, and even it’ll be more if you know the methods to fight them.
Merely telling the IRS that you cannot actually afford to compensate it, or do not like a fee, will not work. You should demonstrate reasonable cause, which means a good plea. Based on the IRS, any sound cause advanced by a taxpayer as the reason for postponement in paying tax when owed will be cautiously examined, filing a return, or making deposits.
Enclose the following documents with your written request.
If you have been imposed fees by the IRS, there are some easy and productive methods to get your tax fines or interest condensed or eliminated absolutely. We have really been in the business for many years and we are devoted to offer our customers a professional IRS fee and interest abatement service lawfully. Contact us today to solve your tax problems all and the related fees levied by the IRS on your Covington business or on you.
Have you been struggling for a number of years with your back tax debts, and are eventually fed up with dealing with the Internal Revenue Service on your own?
Have they started sending notices and letters to business or your residence, demanding you pay additional fees and interest charges for the amount you owe?
If so is hire an experienced and reputable tax law firm to be by your side every step of the way. The great news is, our Covington company is an ideal candidate for the job, with an A+ company standing with the BBB, tens of thousands of satisfied clients around the country (notably in delightful Kentucky), and our own team of tax lawyers, CPAs and federally enrolled representatives, all prepared to work on your case today.
The Internal Revenue Service is the largest collection agency on the planet, with a large number of revenue officers and billions of dollars set aside to pursue great, hard working folks like you for the money you owe. You shouldn’t have to confront them by yourself. We don’t get intimidated about like ordinary citizens can use our private contacts to negotiate the resolution that you need, and do.
Using seasoned Covington legal counsel on your own tax issues is similar to having an expert plumber come and mend your massively leaking water main.
Do your family, yourself as well as your future a favor right now, and let our Covington law firm help you with your back tax issues at once. Our team of experts is standing by, ready to help you!
Most people are law abiding Covington citizens and they fear the threats of IRS actions. These businesses commit consumer fraud and even theft and entice innocent people in their scams! There are many ways in which they fool people of their hard earned cash: by charging upfront non-refundable payments without supplying any guarantees, by misrepresenting prospective outcomes, by posing as a service provider and selling the sensitive information of the customers to other providers, by outright larceny from customers and so on. Therefore, you must exercise caution when you are attempting to locate a tax resolution firm for yourself.
Not all Kentucky tax relief businesses who guarantee to negotiate with the IRS for you are trustworthy. Consequently, avoiding IRS tax aid scams is very significant since there are all those deceitful companies out there. It’s not impossible to avoid being taken advantage of, all you need to do to follow a few tips that are useful and is to prepare yourself in this regard! A tax resolution company that is genuine will always folow a mutually acceptable financial arrangement wherein the payments may be made on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.
Second, it is wise to be very cautious when you are choosing a special tax resolution company to work with. Should they assure you the desired effects or state that you just qualify for any IRS plan without going through a complete financial analysis of your present situation then chances are the company is deceptive. Consequently, don’t fall for their sugar-coated promises and search for other companies that are authentic instead.
The web is a storehouse of information, but you must be careful about using such advice. For handling your tax related issues, do not just hire any haphazard business with great advertisements or promotional campaigns. In order to pick the right company, it is wise to research about the same in the Better Business Bureau web site and see their ratings or reviews. Therefore, doing your homework and investing time in research is certainly a wise move here.
A website that has a good rating on BBB is unquestionably one you could place your trust in. We are a BBB A+ rated Covington business, we help people by alleviating their IRS back tax debts. Our tax solutions are sensible, in order to make sure that your tax debts are eliminated, we don’t only negotiate with the Internal Revenue Service for your benefit, but rather produce a practical strategy. We do all the hard work for you while you concentrate on other significant aspects of your own life. Thanks to our vast experience and expertise in the area, you may rest assured that your tax problems would be resolved efficiently and promptly when you turn to us for help.
An IRS official or representative is a common visitor to daily life or your Kentucky business. Obtaining a distinction between the two is vital for you to learn how to cope with each. An IRS agent has the principal function of auditing tax returns. They send notifications regarding impending audits via e-mail. You can go to local IRS office, once you get an e-mail from IRS representative or an agent comes over to your house or company to audit returns.
The IRS assigns you a revenue officer in the following circumstances:
When the IRS has failed to successfully collect taxes from you using the ordinary channels like levies, telephone calls, notices and e-mails.
Like payroll taxes, when you fail to pay particular form of taxes.<?p>
A typical amount being 25,000 dollars or more. when your tax liability is significantly large
Law mandates recall IRS revenue officers to undertake measures to regain the taxes. These measures repossess property, halt assets or wage garnishments, seize and may include problem levies. Anticipate these officers to show up at your residence or place of businesses unexpected or without prior communication. In infrequent cases, you might be called by the policemen or send you e-mails summoning you to their offices. Try to collaborate with them to avoid further complicating your case and attempt to pay you delinquent taxes to the extend your income can adapt. The tax sum requires you to workout a blueprint to pay or in case your case is more complicated, you’ll need the services of an attorney.
The Internal Revenue Service officer might request some documents and financial records if you are unable to pay off your debt instantaneously. Such tips like form 9297 which is send to you by the IRS, form 433-A which is used for people or form 433-B which is used for businesses are used by the IRS to recognize your income, assets, and give a summary of your indebtedness. Filling these forms ought to be done right and precisely consequently the professional services of an attorney are required. Should you fill the forms wrong whether intentionally or unknowingly, the IRS can use this against you and sue you for tax evasion. Hence, when you get these forms, the very first thing to do is to telephone an attorney.
Additionally, an attorney in Covington will review your financial situation and work out the best paying plan with all the IRS revenue officers. Without a lawyer, the IRS policemen might intimidate you into consenting to a plan that you cannot afford but which makes their job easier. An attorney can certainly negotiate and get you a adaptable one, in the event you are given tight datelines. Remember, there are several choices that can be offered by the officer. A standard one in case related to payroll delinquent will be to evaluate and assign you a retrieval penalty trust fund. For this to happen, an interview must be conducted to ascertain who is the real culprit between a company as well as a person and having an attorney during this interview in Kentucky is a matter of necessity.
Have you ever forgotten to file your back tax returns for several years? We can help.
The W-2S and 1099 forms for each tax year are essential when filing your tax returns that are back, you receive. In case you’re eligible to credits and deductions; you will have to gather any other supporting document that may prove your qualifications to the claim.
In case you have any missing tax document especially within the past ten years, then you need to request a copy from IRS simply by filing form 4506-T. Form 4506-T is the tax return transcript. You must use the form to request for 1099S, W-2S which should provide support for your deductions. IRS will give you a transcript including the information you are required to file your tax returns.
Additionally, you should file your back tax returns on the original forms for that tax year. Start by seeking for them in the IRS site. After you have collected all the important files, double check to ensure you’re employing the instructions associated with the exact same tax year you’re filling returns for. Tax laws are always changing and using the improper directions may require the filing process to be started by you once more. Finally, you should submit all the forms through the address given to the IRS.
When you have some additional income tax for the preceding years, you need to comprise as much payment as you can. This fashion in which you will reduce interest charges accumulation. Unlike the tax penalties which stop once they’re at the maximum, to accumulate, the monthly interests continue to pile up until you have paid the tax. They’ll send you a notice of the exact quantity that you must pay as a penalty and rate of interest, after the IRS has received your tax returns.
You’ll need to work with the IRS in case you are not able to pay your tax returns in full. However, you should note that taxes that are back and the past due debts, can decrease your federal tax refund. Treasury offset program may use part or your entire national returns to settle any unpaid federal or state debt.
It might use your complete tax refund or component to pay some debts including parent support, delinquent student loans, and unemployment compensation debts. In the event you have filed tax returns together with your partner you might be entitled to the whole counter or part.
But should you owe any common duty payment, IRS can offset the liability against tax refund due to you.
If you haven’t filed your back tax returns for several years, you can consult our BBB A rated Covington tax law company for help.|} Our crew of experts in Kentucky is always ready to help you solve your issues and in addition they are always ready to answer your questions.
Address | Covington Instant Tax Attorney535 Madison Ave, Covington, KY 41011 |
Phone | (502) 991-8688 |
Customer Rating | |
Services / Problems Solved | Removing Wage GarnishmentsGetting Rid of Tax LiensRemoving Bank LeviesFiling Back Tax ReturnsStopping IRS LettersStopping Revenue OfficersSolving IRS Back Tax ProblemsIroning out Payroll Tax IssuesRelief from Past Tax IssuesNegotiating Offer in Compromise AgreementsNegotiating Innocent Spouse Relief ArrangementsPenalty Abatement NegotiationsAssessing Currently Not Collectible ClaimsReal Estate PlanningLegal Advice |
Tax Lawyers on Staff | Steve Sherer, JD Kelly Gibson, JD Joseph Gibson, JD Lance Brown, JD |
Cities Around Covington We Serve | Alexandria, Augusta, Bellevue, Berry, Bethlehem, Brooksville, Burlington, Butler, California, Carrollton, Corinth, Covington, Crittenden, Cynthiana, Dayton, De Mossville, Dover, Dry Ridge, Erlanger, Falmouth, Florence, Fort Thomas, Foster, Ft Mitchell, Germantown, Ghent, Glencoe, Hebron, Independence, Jonesville, Kenton, Latonia, Lockport, Mason, Maysville, Melbourne, Milford, Minerva, Morning View, Mount Olivet, New Liberty, Newport, Owenton, Perry Park, Petersburg, Port Royal, Sadieville, Sanders, Silver Grove, Sparta, Turners Station, Union, Verona, Walton, Warsaw, Washington, Williamstown, Worthville |
City Website | Covington Website |
Wikipedia | Covington Wikipedia Page |